Our Editoral Process

 Our Editorial Process


We want you to feel confident in the information and choices you make so we want to be transparent about what we do.


All content created on Phoenix Vegan Dietitian is created by registered dietitians who have completed at least 1,200 hours of supervised practice through an accredited internship program, passed a national registration exam, or are eligible for their exam.

As dietitians, we have to complete 75 hours of continuing education every 5 years to keep up with current topics and to maintain our credentials.

Nutrition expert Registered Dietitians are going to be writing and reviewing the content publsihed on this site.

After each article is written it is fact-checked by our founder Rhyan Geiger before publication. Rhyan is a two-time cookbook author and has written for many companies which can be viewed here.

References, Sources, and Citations

We fact-check our statements, health claims, and suggestions with the most current references and research that are peer-reviewed journals, government organizations, academic institutions, and advocacy associations. Sources are listed both inline and at the bottom of every article. 

Updating Information

Information, especially nutrition information is always changing. The content on this website is reviewed annually and updated to reflect the most recent research. When needed, content is changed and edited. If you happen to come across any inconsistencies or outdated facts, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Medical Information

The material on this site is for informational purposes only and does not replace the advice or counsel of a doctor or health care professional. Phoenix Vegan Dietitian makes every effort to provide information that is accurate and that content is updated annually to reflect current research. You should also consult and rely only on your personal healthcare team for nutrition and medical advice.